MQL4自编指标学习3-Close[] Open[] High[] Low[] IndicatorCounted()学习1 预定义数组Close[] Open[] High[] Low[]学习
Series array that contains close prices for each bar of the current chart.
Series array elements are indexed in the reverse order, i.e., from the last one to the first one. The current bar which is the last in the array is indexed as 0. The oldest bar, the first in the chart, is indexed as Bars-1.
- int handle = FileOpen("file.csv", FILE_CSV|FILE_WRITE, ";");
- if(handle>0)
- {
- // table column headers recording
- FileWrite(handle, "Time;Open;High;Low;Close;Volume");
- // data recording
- for(int i=0; i<Bars; i++)
- {
- FileWrite(handle, Time[i], Open[i], High[i], Low[i], Close[i], Volume[i]);
- }
- FileClose(handle);
- }
复制代码 2 函数IndicatorCounted()学习
Returned value
The amount of bars not changed after the indicator had been launched last.
The most calculated bars do not need any recalculation. In most cases, same count of index values do not need for recalculation. The function is used to optimize calculating.
- int limit;
- int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
- //---- check for possible errors
- if(counted_bars<0)
- return(-1);
- //---- the last counted bar will be recounted
- if(counted_bars>0)
- {
- Print(counted_bars); //2018.11.28 13:32:22.843 柱体标号索引学习 EURUSD,Monthly: 269
- counted_bars--;
- }
- limit=Bars-counted_bars;
- //---- main loop
- for(int i=0; i<limit; i++)
- {
- //---- ma_shift set to 0 because SetIndexShift called abowe
- ExtBlueBuffer[i]=iMA(NULL,0,5,0,MODE_SMMA,PRICE_MEDIAN,i);
- }